Monday, 16 February 2015

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a classic English Victorian writer, who wrote many classic novels such as Oliver twist and The Great Expectations which was his second novel to be written. The novelist was born in Portsmouth and was sent to school at age of nine , However left shortly due to the occurrence of debt within the family. Charles was shortly sent to work in a blacking factory but return back to education after experiencing dark conditions . The experience of working in th blacking factory helped Charles dickens to create his second novel the great expectations as well as David Copperfield a novel which he used his father John Dickens as an inspiration to create a character that resembled him.

After writing several Novels Charles Became a popular Journalist working with his father who was a reporter in the 1830s , he began writing several parliamentary documents also. Charles Dickens also wrote an autobiography, and was very interested in the theatre , later in his personal life he even began write scripts and plays which were performed to Queen Victoria. Charles Dickens also went on to Marry an actress Ellen Ternan , which he settled down wit and had ten children.

In 1870 Charles Dickens sadly died of a stroke and was buried in Westminster abbey.

Anonymous. (unknown). History-Charles Dickens. Available: Last accessed 16/02/15.
Charles Dickens
Claire Tomalin. (07/02/12). A letter to Charles Dickens on his 200th business. Available: Last accessed 16/02/15.

Charles Dickens was known for writing a new style of gothic, his Victorian gothic style of literature, explored the use of romance as well. The great expectations which was one of his best written novels explored the use of gothic horror through its characters, particularly Miss Havisham, she was portrayed as a heroine who was a ' wronged women trapped in a young Heroine's ghost' according to ' the Routledge companion of gothic'. The Estella character was created to mirror Miss Havisham. The use of gothic architecture is very important in a gothic novel, the marshland and Statis house are two important locations in the novel which relate to gothic horror.
Charles Dickens usually related his novels to money as well as population patterns during the Victorian times.

edited by Catherine Spooner and Emma Mcevoy (19/10/07). The routledge companion to gothic. unknown: Catherine Spooner and Emma mcevoy. 30-32.

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