Miss Havisham Portrayals
Miss Havisham is a wealthy old women who lives in Statis house and since the day the man she idolised conned her on her wedding day she refused to go outside and everything stopped for her meaning all the clocks stopped, the wedding cake still remains on the dining table years later, and she was only known to be wearing her wedding dress throughout the novel.
After reading the novel I created moodboard conveying my understanding for Miss Havisham and the key elements on how I portray her.
I also included an image of pastel colour flowers and a fruit bowl which I could imagine to have been placed on the dining table of Statis house many years ago and has slowly decayed through time.
After reading the Dickens novel I feel he really exaggerates Miss Havisham's being conned on her wedding day and makes the wedding dress which Miss Havisham is known to be wearing throughout the book have a massive impact on Miss Havisham and the novel itself. Therefore I created a sketch of a Victorian dress in which I can imagine Miss Havishams wedding dress to have looked like.
Theatre, film and fashion
Theatre film and fashion all have interpetations on Miss Havishams personality and appearance, however all very different, whilst theatrical plays of the dickens Novel really overaggerate the character in terms of hair and makeup, film interpreations such as the 2011 BBC mini series try to keep the makeup and hair as close to how is portrayed in the novel meaning the makeup and hair is very Victorian. Fashion Makeup and hair on the other hand tends to include elements from the Victorian era to act as an inspiration which reflects on Miss Havishams appearance. The makeup is either subtle or exaggerated particularly around the eyes.
MUA Paula Wilcox. (08/02/13). A sympathy in cobwebs. Available: http://onestoparts.com/review-great-expectations-vaudeville-theatre. Last accessed 02/02/15.
The theatrical interpretation of the Great expectations conveys how exaggerated Miss Havishams makeup is . The cheek bones are over highlighted with a silver . The eyes application is a dark purple, and a black lip colour is applied to the lips to complete the look, even though in the Victorian era makeup had to be subtle due to strict rules and regulations.
Using a Black, grey and purple eye shadow from my kryolan pallet, I highlighted the cheekbones lips and eyes in order to create a theatrical interpretation of Miss Havisham . I was generally quite happy eith the outcome but felt I could have used my super colour pallet to apply colour to the eyes and lips to really exaggerate colour and the theatrical look.
known. (unknown). Gillian Anderson, Helena Bohen Carter and miss Havisham on film. Available:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/8907506/Gillian-Anderson-Helena-Bonham-Carter-and-Miss-Havisham-on-film.html . Last accessed 02/02/15.
The image of Gillian Anderson in the 2011 interpretation of the great expectations, conveys how subtle Victorian makeup was as well as creating a makeup look for the character which reflected on elements in the novel, for example Miss Havisham was portrayed as malnourished aged in the book ,therefore the film interpretation captures the aged makeup look with a pale complexion ad lip application to highlight these elements.
Using my glamour glow pallet to highlight the cheekbones and wrinkles . The supracolour pallet to highlight the eyebrows and eyelashes to capture an aged makeup look and my lip colour pallet to create a subtle lip colour in order to create a makeup look of Miss Havisham which could be used in films . I as generally quite happy with the outcome of my face chart I felt I captured the aged look well but could have considered a different lip colour maybe from my supracolour pallet instead.
unknown. (unknown). halloween party . Available: https://www.pinterest.com/wardyccx/h-a-l-l-o-w-e-e-n-p-a-r-t-y/. Last accessed 2/02/15.
The Miss Havisham inspired makeup is very subtle , the eye colour application is a light grey to bring out the eyes amongst the pale complexion , and the lip colour is dark in order to complete the look.
Using the grey from my supracolour pallet I highlighted the convex areas and the eyes. Using the black from my supracolour pallet I outlined the lips and the eyes and using the dark red from my supracolour pallet I applied colour to the lips. The makeup application I wanted to create for a fashion interpretation of the Miss Havisham makeup was generally quite a plain and simple look with a bold colour applied to the lips.
How is Miss Havisham portrayed?
During Finella's lesson on Tuesday we had to take into consideration of how Miss Havisham is portrayed. In order to convey my understanding of Miss Havisham I created a brainstorm of key words and facts after reading the book to summarizes the dickens character.
I also took into consideration characters in films and other books which reflection Miss Havisham's story of personality and created a brainstorm in order to convey my ideas.
I also took into consideration characters in films and other books which reflection Miss Havisham's story of personality and created a brainstorm in order to convey my ideas.
scotty zacher. (28/12/201). Mary Lennox the secret garden (the opera works). Available: http://chicagotheaterbeat.com/2011/12/28/review-the-secret-garden-light-opera-works/. Last accessed 02/02/15
Mary Lennox from the secret garden book , I feel resembles Miss Havisham, she too is a wealthy child who is slightly neglected and unloved however by her parents, and she turns to the secret garden as a comfort zone like Miss Havisham with Statis house.
Anthony Breznican. (14/03/14). Angelina Jolie Q&A Bringing malovent maleficant to life doing some good to the world and those fifty shade rumors. Available: http://www.ew.com/article/2014/03/14/angelina-jolie-qa-maleficent. Last accessed 02/15.
The 2013 Disney's Maleficant I feel resembles Miss Havisham. Maleficant falls in love with Stephen how later betrays her for the former king in order to become the next king. When Stephen becomes king Maleficant becomes revengeful and puts a curse on his daughter that she will fall into 'a sleep like death' but can only be awaken from true loves kiss, which is similar to Miss Havisham falling in love and getting conned on her wedding day which she then turns to adopting Estella and using her as a weapon against men in order to practice rejection.
Kimisz. (unknown). 'emily is waiting for you'. Available: http://digital-art-gallery.com/picture/big/14878. Last accessed 2/02/15
The 2005 Tim Burtons film the Copses Bride I feel has used the Great expectations character in order to create Emily a Bride who gets murder for trying to elope . The film I feel also has an element of gothic horror which also resembles the Charles Dickens book.
Character styling
After analysing Miss Havisham in the different film theatre and fashion interpretation, I feel in order to recreate the character for a film interpretation Miss Havisham should be styled in an old discoloured and dirty wedding dress due to wearing it for many decades. Her makeup should be portrayed with a pale complexion as if she is made from porcelain to convey her as fragile and her neglecting the sunlight. The convex areas of her face such as her cheekbones and jawline should be dramatically shadowed to make the characters face appear ore drawn and malnourished, her wrinkles should also be deep and prominent to show her age n relation depression and unhealthiness, around her eyes should be dull grey to make them appear more sunken in, and finally her lips should be pale and peeling to convey malnourishment.
Her hair should be styled as white and dusty to convey age and poor hygiene , in order to relate to the correct part of the Victorian period Miss Havisham hair should include techniques used from the early Victorian hairstyles such as the centre parting simple bun and sculpted ringlets, however due to the character being known to have had her hair styled the same for many decades without brushing or washing her air the design should be styled as slightly untidy and imperfect. The hairstyle can also be completed with a discoloured veil or an accessory such as dead flowers.
anonymous. (unknown). gothic expectations look at Helena Bohem carter as miss havisham. Available: http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2011/nov/04/helena-bonham-carter-miss-havisham. Last accessed 22/03/15.
By styling Miss Havisham in the flesh with these elements will convey to the audience who are watching the film a rough idea on the characters storyline and a strong opinion on the characters appearance.
SGfringe. (13/08/2013). miss havishams expectations. Available: http://sgfringe.com/2012/08/13/miss-havishams-expectations/. Last accessed 22/03/15.
if the character s being recreate for a theatre performance the makeup would be a lot more dramatic and perhaps more colourful such as a darker colour applied around the eyes and applied to the lips .
The hair recreated for a theatre performance would appear aged usually spayed with a dry shampoo or talc powder would be applied the hair would also appear much bigger and more dramatic and not usually relate to the Victoria period as much as a film interpretation.By styling the hair and makeup as more colourful this makes the character appear more fun and suitable for the audience watching which is usually families or children.
anonymous. (unknown). beauty birds of a feather. Available: https://www.pinterest.com/stylehousepro/beauty-birds-of-a-feather/. Last accessed 22/03/15.
If the character was being recreated as an inspiration to a fashion piece the makeup would be much more different the skin wouldn't necessarily be aged , the complexion would be pale and the colours applied to the eyes and cheekbones perhaps could still be incorporated into the design but perhaps styled as a more modern interpretation. The colour applied to the lips would be a more neutral colour in order to still relate to the Victorian era but to also appeal to a fashion audience .
In order to appeal to an audience with fashion background the hair will not usually appear aged but may include the colour applied as a block for catwalks for example. The techniques from the early Victorian era such as the curls plaited buns and centre partings may be used but interpreted in a more modern style.
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