Monday, 16 February 2015

Miss Havisham makeup ideas

Miss Havisham ideas

For my constituency exam the idea is to create a miss Havisham style of makeup, which relates to the correct historical period and includes elements of appearance which is suggested in the Charles dickens Novel.

For my final miss Havisham idea I also had to incorporate into the makeup design an element of fear, therefore I had to take into consideration what I was afraid of. My fear is porcelain dolls and wax works, therefore I wanted to portray miss Havisham as porcelain . The photograph of the cracked face makeup was an inspiration as an element to include in my Miss Havisham makeup idea. After reading the novel I consider Miss Havisham as a fragile old women , during her last scene in the book she seems to be portrayed as quite crazy before her wedding dress caught alight in the fire , therefore I wanted to portray in porcelain look  the cracks on Miss Havisham face starting to appear.

The Vhelena. (18/09/13). haloween makeup ttorial. Available: Last accessed 16/02/15.




In order to create the cracked face style of makeup, I firstly applied a kryolan foundation to my face to match my skin colour which I blended out using a buffer brush. Next using glue and broken egg shells I placed the broken egg shell pieces onto my face, then to make the egg shells match the colour of my skin I pained over them usingthe coloured foundation I used for the rest of my face. Finally in order to complete the look using fine makeup brush and the black from my supracolour pallet, I drew round the cracks the eggshells and extended the lines in order to exaggerate the cracks.

Overall I was happy with the idea of the cracked face makeup however I wasn't too keen on the positioning of the makeup.

In the Charles Dickens novel, the Great Expectations Miss Havisham is also portrayed as and old women , therefore in my Miss Havisham makeup design I wanted to incorporate the aged the look into my design.

In order to create the  aged look I firstly applied the a foundation base which matched my skin colour from my kryolan pallet, which I blended into the face using my buffer brush, next using a fine line brush and my camouflage pallet I highlighted any visible lines which I blended into the skin, using a white eyeshadow from m kryolan pallet I highlighted around the visible lines. I also applied a light colour foundation to the lips in order to seem more aged. Finally in order to complete the look I mixed white and yellow supracolour together which I applied to the eyebrows using a mascara wand against the hair .

Using the aged look and the cracked face makeup I incorporated the ideas together In order to create an idea for my Miss Havisham makeup.In order to complete the look I also create stippled skin on various areas of the face, using glue which I left to go tacky and then started to peel which I then covered with a foundation base which matched my skin.

After watching the Great Expecations clip starring Gllian Anderson as Miss Havisham I found Miss Havisham was portrayed as malnourished, she walked with her shoulders hunched and her lips were faded and starting to peel, therefore in my makeup design I applied a glue to my lips which I left to go tacky and peel and then I applied a light coloured foundation to my lips in order to highlight the idea of malnourishment.

I created a face chart in order to portray my cracked face Idea. Firstly using my glamour glow pallet I highlight the convex areas of the face. I then applied a pink to highlight the cheeks and a natural colour from my glamour glow pallet to also highlight the eyes. I then used broken eggshell which I added to the top left hand side of the face chart which I then covered using a skin base foundation . using a fine makeup brush and a black from my supracolour pallet I went round the eggshells in order to make the face appear more cracked.
In order to complete the look I applied a red lip liner pencil around the eyes, a yellow and white from my supracolour  to create the lashes and brows , I also applied a natural colour from my camouflage pallet to the lips.

Overall I wasn't very happy with the outcome of the face chart the eggshells aren't blended in as well on the face chart as they would be on the face due to not applying a foundation base to the whole of th face chart. I feel if I applied foundation to the whole of the face chart eventhough the eggshells would have blended in I don't think the makeup would have worked.


After reading the Great Expectations novel, Miss Havisham was known to of having her wedding dress caught alight in the fire and dying from severe burns. For My final Makeup design I also had to incorporate fear into my design and take into consideration what I am afraid of which is wax works, therefore I wanted to included the element of Miss Havisham face melting as if it was made from wax into my design.

Anonymous. (unknown). Morgue or tar 118. Available: Last accessed 16/02/15.
Using gelatine granules which I mixed in water then heated in the microwave I applied the mixed t half of my face using a paintbrush. when applied the mixture to my face I pointed the paintbrush up in order for the mixture t drop down the face in order to create a melted wax effect, then using a hairdryer on at a cool temperature I dried the gelatine. I carried out th process several times layering up the gelatine.

Next I applied a foundation from my Kryolan pallet which matched by skin colour I then applied the foundation  to my face and blended out using the buffer brush next using the camouflage pallet and a fine ma brush I highlighted any visible lines in order to appear more aged using, using a white from my eye shadow pallet I used this to act as a highlighter and highlighted the wrinkles.

I applied a light pink blusher to the cheeks to also highlight than makeup element and kept the eye makeup natural .

On the side of the face which didn't have the gelatine I created stipple skin and malnourished lips using a glue which I left to tacky and peel which I then covered over with a foundation.

Finally in order to portray the idea of Miss Havisham being burnt by the fire I used gelatine which I applied to the top left hand side of my face, which I then left to go tacky, then using my red from my surpacolour pallet I applied colour to area using a paintbrush in order to get a burned effect, I then applied another layer of gelatine to the area in order to give it a  shine and make the burn look dramatic.

Overall I was really happy with outcome of the makeup  and am considering using the idea for my final design. however I am going to practice the makeup design in order to become more confident with the design particularly with the aged makeup.

For my  second attempt at my final design, I used a different form of gelatine which was a slab of gelatine from screen face which I melted down in the microwave. I found this form of gelatine was thicker and worked much better than the gelatine granules especially for my melted face look.
In order to create my look I firstly applied a kryolan foundation to my face which I blended in using my buffer brush. One the side of the face which didn't not have the gelatine applied to the face using my camouflage pallet I started to add colour to any visible lines. I then highlighted over the visible lines using a white colour from my camouflage pallet.
next I melted the gelatine in the microwave and waited for the substance to slightly cool, in order to make the gelatine dry I used a hairdryer on a cool temperature.
I layered up the gelatine several times on the left side o my face in order to make the gelatine thicker and the drips more dramatic to look like melted wax.

I then applied a loose illamasqua powder over top of the gelatine to set the mixture and then used my kryolan foundation to bend into make the gelatine blend into the rest of my face . I then began highlighting the visible lines on the left ide of my face using a fine line brush, this was the make both sides of my face look aged and slightly even .In order to make the makeup seem a little Victorian I applied a light pink blush to the cheeks and a light grey colour to the eyes. Using a red lip liner pencil I went round my eyes to make my Miss Havisham character appear tired. I also applied a light colour to the lips
Finally to complete my Miss Havisham makeup I created a burn, by applying a layer of gelatine which I left to go tacky and then applied reds and a black from my supracolour and aquacolour pallet to make the burn seem more life like, once I had applied the colour to the burn I applied another layer of gelatine to make the bur seem sore and more dramatic.
Overall I was really happy with my design however in order to complete the burn I feel I needed to apply some blood and maybe Vaseline.
Finally to complete my Miss Havisham makeup I created a burn, by applying a layer of gelatine which I left to go tacky and then applied reds and a black from my supracolour and aquacolour pallet to make the burn seem more life like, once I had applied the colour to the burn I applied another layer of gelatine to make the bur seem sore and more dramatic.
Overall I was really happy with my design however in order to complete the burn I feel I needed to apply some blood and maybe Vaseline.

Once I had created my Miss Havisham melted face design I also had an attempt at incorporated my cracks on the face using eggshells idea, however I felt the look didnt work well together and made my makeup look like too much was going on.

Using the gelatine and my eyeshadow kryolan pallet I created a face chart for my final design. I firstly applied gelatine the the left side of the face on the face chart and applied a pink from my eyes shadow pallet to highlight the cheeks. I then used my glamour pallet to highlight the convex areas of the face and my camouflage pallet to highlight any areas where visible lines would appear on the face in order for the look to appear more aged. Once the gelatine was dried I applied a foundation base from my kryolan pallet to make the gelatine appear more skin coloured an then applied the same style of makeup to match the right side of the face.
Using my supracolour pallet I applied reds and blacks to the top left hand side of the face in order to create a burn.
In order to complete my look I applied a red lip pencil around the eyes and used a white and yellow which I mixed together in order to highlight the brows and lashes. I applied colour to the lips by using a natural colour from my camouflage pallet which I then went over with using a white eyeshadow in order to make the lips appear lighter.

overall I was quite happy wit the outcome of the face chart however I found applying gelatine to a face chart was slightly difficult .


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