Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Evaluation Quentin and Mrs Laderman


for our second part of the gothic horror topic, the task was to create two characters which had a rough character brief and relate them to a Horror series of our choice, however due to having quite a short period of time and lack of lessons due to the Easter Break I found it quite overwhelming.

After having a lecture on an introduction to gothic horror and was introduced to the characters and the horror series in greater detail, I already had a rough idea on the chosen TV series and character I wanted to do. In my own time I had to create a power point which had to be presented to my lecturer and several other course members explain my inspirations, ideas and research on my chosen TV series, although I find speaking in front of a group of people out of my comfort zone I found this a great help, it gave me an opportunity to receive the feedback I needed on what I needed to research in order to gain a better understanding and create more thorough ideas. I was told due to choosing the freak show American horror story, researching into freak shows, burlesque, Femme Fetale and the 1950s would help me with my ideas.

After carrying out thorough research I found I had a clear idea on both of my characters, in terms of the hair and the make up .When creating my Quentin character I decided to watch many tutorials in of special effects to gain inspiration. I created my Quentin design on location, I was very apply with the outcome of my design I felt the hair makeup and character styling related to my Chosen TV series. The only thing I would have improved on was the makeup application on the hand due to working under yellow lightning and shooting under white lighting the prosthetic on the hand looked a little discoloured , I attempt to edit this on photoshop and added the before and after pictures to my blog.

When creating my Mrs Laderman design, I unfortunately was unhappy with the outcome of my first attempt the character styling didn't relate to my TV series and the makeup application underneath the eyes looked unsymmetrical and messy, when shooting my mid length shoot due to my model having her arms showing, I made the mistake of not applying white skin base which I applied to her face and neck also to her arms which looked a little odd. However I learnt from my mistakes made a few minor adjustments and recreated my Mrs Laderman character which had a much better outcome.

Overall I have found the Quentin and Claudia course enjoyable, it has gave me the freedom to create a look suitable for a horror series.

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