Saturday, 18 April 2015

Puppets and dolls

Puppets and dolls

for my gothic horror topic, I have chosen the horror series the American Horror story the freak show which I will link my two characters Quentin and Mrs Laderman into, creating hair designs, makeup and character styling for both characters. After thinking of a storyline for both characters which will link into the American horror story freak show, I have come up with the idea that Quentin is going to be a human puppet, part of the freak show, controlled by Mrs Laderman the ring leader. After presenting my ideas to my lecturer and class, I have been given the feedback of researching into dolls and puppets in order to give my ideas for my final design. I was also given advice not to follow into the footsteps of the stereotypical puppet style makeup .

Anonymous. (uknown). horror ventriloquist doll. Available: Last accessed 19/04/15.
My first chosen image to convey my understanding of dolls and puppets mainly conveys the element of horror chuckie is an evil ventriloquist doll, the character is from a horror movie, therefore the doll appears quite scary with its cuts and scars, overall the dolls features appear quite cartoon and the eyes and mouth in particular are oversized. After analysing the image the proportion o the eyes and the mouth is something i can take into consideration when recreating the makeup.
Anonymous. (unknown). pinocchio marinette puppet. Available: Last accessed 19/04/15.
My second chosen image conveying my understanding of puppets mainly conveys the proportion of features.
Pinocchio is another famous puppet from a Disney film, although the character is not from a horror film, the features and expression on the characters face is something I can take into consideration when creating the makeup for my Quentin character, overall the characters face appears very cartoon with oversized eyes and a huge grin, therefore this is something i can take into consideration when designing the makeup for my character for the American horror story, but incorporated with a horror twist.
Anonymous. (unknown). thunderbird . Available: Last accessed 19/04/15.
My next chosen image conveys how a toy can be created to look lifelike.
the example of a famous puppet from the thunderbirds, although their features appear in proportion, its the texture of their skin which made me analyse the image. the puppets are obviously made from a plastic which allows the puppets t appear quite shiny in certain lights, therefore when creating the makeup for my Quentin character I could take into consideration ways to make the skin appear more shiny in order to make the character appear almost plastic when the light catches the skin.
John o'farrell. (13/02/15). The new spitting image? Maybe not, but Newzoids could be the political comedy we’ve been crying out for . Available: Last accessed 19/04/15.
My next image conveys how a puppet can be created to resemble someone in a cartoon manor.
new TV show, the newzoids on ITV highlights the use of puppets being creating the mimic well known celebrities, the puppet celebrities are usually recognisable by a certain characteristic which is usually emphasized. The TV show also highlights real life people being transformed into cartoon. When creating my Quentin design i will therefore need to make my character appear s a human with almost cartoon features to convey to the audience his storyline.
the coke puppet ad. (16/03/10). Diet coke puppet ad. Available: Last accessed 19/04/15.
The advertisement for coke back in 2010 I found quite interesting it conveys the movements/ stance of a puppet, although the advertisement is an animation, this is an eye opener on how my human puppet character Quentin could pose on the location shoot.
I created a mood board gathering images of different puppets and dolls, in order to give my some ideas for my designs for my Quentin character . I researched into puppets and dolls in order to gain inspiration for my Quentin character who is a human puppet character in the my chose TV series the American horror story season four the freak show.

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